online booking is open to everybody!
Before scheduling, please see who does what. Not everyone does cupping, prenatal, works on children, etc. You may also want to check out our therapists and our modalities.
Same day appointments cannot be made online, but we often have them, so call us at 401-274-2225 or text 401-307-5871. Auto insurance cases must call.
Same day appointments cannot be made online, but we often have them, so call us at 401-274-2225 or text 401-307-5871. Auto insurance cases must call.
When viewing a week, available days are white circles. You have to click the circle for the day you want, in order to view our availability for that day! If you don't click the circle, it looks like we have no availability.
Note: the appointments for "massage" are for all our modalities, except: reiki, shiatsu, MLD, and prenatal. Those have their own appointment types. |
cancellation policy:
We require a full 24 hour notice if you have to cancel an appointment. This will give your therapist a chance to schedule someone else during that appointment time. The best case scenario is you send someone in your stead, but if not, please give at least 24 hours notice. Call or text; we won't see email in time.
Appointments canceled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged our 50% cancellation fee. That's 50% of the regular price of the scheduled session.
We don't charge 50% for sick cancels... please stay home if you're sick! Whenever possible, though, give us as much of a heads up as you can. The second that nose starts to tickle, let us know! We do reserve the right to charge a small inconvenience fee for extreme last minute sick cancels, on a case by case basis.
Thanks; we know you get it!
Appointments canceled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged our 50% cancellation fee. That's 50% of the regular price of the scheduled session.
We don't charge 50% for sick cancels... please stay home if you're sick! Whenever possible, though, give us as much of a heads up as you can. The second that nose starts to tickle, let us know! We do reserve the right to charge a small inconvenience fee for extreme last minute sick cancels, on a case by case basis.
Thanks; we know you get it!